Green Lentils with incoming Health

11/29/2012 · Posted in

Have you tried different methods, but as long as you can not lose weight. You need to do to make changes to your eating habits. Suppose that every time you eat foods that you can not give more weight to lose weight and do not eat regularly. Now you can have an easier life and sports, and stuffed in a regular meal time, everything will be easier. To do this, here are the green beans and benefits;

Green lentils, beans we know very well. However, how often we eat, I can not predict it very much. Green beans cooked meat to the house takes a long time is very rare to find in a restaurant is a rule impossible. Obviously, we know the benefits of green beans do not eat often.

Green lentils shop full of vitamins and dietary fiber. It has been found high in carbohydrates, and although they have a high glycemic index carbohydrates are very low. Since the digestion of carbohydrates into the bloodstream too slowly through the long green lentils. Benefits of a plate of lentil dish eaten green to make you satisfied.

 A study in healthy women who regularly have lunch with green beans, lunch, dinner, eating roast chicken can stay longer than the time for the full show. However, a different study, two separate equal-calorie diet eating grilled fish while others are replaced with green beans, green beans their weight in the first month of the group with the lowest consumption was more than 2 kg.

Green beans, folic acid is a good store. During pregnancy, osteoporosis, heart disease, diabetes and cancer, which is very helpful in nuts, at least four times a week as the main dish is said to benefit not need to eat or add to salad. Green beans are rich in B group vitamins, delicious food with a balanced amino acid. To do this, while keeping the nutritional value is very important to cook. The best method to cook green beans, green beans thoroughly after washing for at least 48 hours of soaking, wet with clean water and poured the water in the pressure cooker to cook.

Green lentils with fried onions, fresh veggies, celery leaves, you can also add sliced ​​peppers. Please note that a plate of cooked green beans is about 230 calories, hamburgers to 500 calories, 1200 calories Alexander servings or two slices of pizza will be up to 450 calories. As you can see the secret, the lower the amount of calories that are stored in the Yens quality green beans that want to lose weight can eat comfortably.

Boiled green beans and store in the refrigerator. You can add a soup and salad veg food. If you experience problems or're gas in the digestive tract are sensitive, or have a good wetting of water make you wait long. You or green lentil salad with the meal shed less quickly resolve cumin.

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